Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Lost Art Of Letter Writing

This is art that letter shorthand as archaic finally lost length. She has a tendency to a sharp impersonal e- mails and text messages Starina rolled through electronic age and the phasing out of the last vestiges of real letters to a script how to use the previous generations. Not SA bountiful years ago, your grandmother would really appreciate a letter box or a little thing.

A general aura around a surprise letter arrives the door. This was proof that someone cared to spend money to run and communicate with you, please, tell all the little things that happen in their lives continuance. Personal bokstaver for the year, resulting in regular sentimental to be reviewed, challenged re- folded and neatly stacked. It was the feeling and the smell of paper, clearly legible handwritten scrawl a lover and a special smell that accompanied each letter. We become harder generation of children who believed that the letter was money for the container, then shake it to see how it is closed, discarded After feeling.

And what we do today? The new concept of communication, which is an affront to the grandmother, and several times with her father, she has developed very quickly. Letters and lines, to continue to do so. They are printed on paper, that leaves you with snow blindness in the black cartridge, which stains when he feels like it from one computer to churn out uniform bilge. How can anyone who has ever used a pen, and I mean real real pen, be pleased with the inventions of the black cartridge?

There is a process that some of the black pot laskpapper and unscrew the pen and begin to fill your pot " Quink" . reiteratively undoubtful accompanied by the smell and feeling not play in black cartridge. More ofttimes than not to communicate by e- compassed postnatet good in those days. to knock on effect on the economy, the environment, without using paper and ink cartridge, if you' re not one of those unfortunate the public to meet the print and lazy again, how often e- mail to meet you. You can be a bit dodgy. With a view of the button, you can land yourself neck deep in the brown sticky material, sent a letter to the wrong recipients. which will never happen with a conventional, hand- letter. And soon we welcome old messages left on modern mobile phones.

Another huge profits if the product modules for black cartridges and paper, and another risky message survival. I myself passy charge for text messages should be, what is wrong and could lead to incalculable harm to addiction, but she really understand what the people of the function when it happens to you in reverse. These messages will never take the hint that your grandmother said, estimates because it is clearly not the appropriate place. Set of comparable " LOL" , " BTW" or " information" in a letter to her, and she will understand what you say on the piano, except for the shouting.

In fact, you can be! " Nerdic" is a new dialect developed quickly for the computer generation and those who do not understand the left langt behind. The unprecedented that you can do for his grandmother that Christmas phone a step from the Black cartridge, and sat down with pen and paper and write a letter heart using complete words in your own handwriting. I can guarantee that it will be a tax on expensive gift.