Your work does not end after you have to write your pride or a new soft. The fact that the format of the standards of other publishers, and find the right forlaget requires an equally extreme effort, and secondly, and study if you want to remove a stack of rejection in hard landing field ..
Although there are hundreds of them, primarily to distribute search theses forlag AR Writers' Cooperative, which is a dictionary, which is published once a year, which contains information about the album forlag, magazine publishing, and all other potential forlaget in general utstallningslokal.
This gives you a great end of the day of knowledge about the specialization of each publisher, to whom to contact and how to format the script in order to meet their needs. To learn more minutes before the break, the writers truck online, too.
There are many indications are available on the Internet with tips on how to publish forlag, and how to involve industry in the editor, sending a clear cover of your script. Payment Lang varig industrial shrimp shades unge dangerous they can make a big difference in getting comrade to understand your application in lieu of the rejected pile, unread.
Agents are adept at selling books, and may be a good cooperation with some research of your manuscript, that they have contacts and may be favored over forlag. Despite the fact that kanselsprot no guarantees, but provides very useful advice, and may contribute significantly to the goal, obviously, if you're a first timer. The monograph forlag regularly flooded with submissions, therefore, on the basis of selecting the agent may have the right to look at the nature of your opus faster.
If you click with the traditional new forlag, try to publish on your laptop or drama. Prior efforts in this direction, it is very manga recommend you consider the opportunity to prove your competence in Gush sales and distribution, which will be your responsibility. You can use some forlag, that only in cooperation with the seal of your writing. Before you can register your own publishing league, the use of denying that you do extensive research before you commit to any thing. Beware of fraud - as in all industries, often - There are several companies that have money and do little else.