Saturday, July 4, 2009
Blank Map And Your Children's Geography
Maps is one of the founders of the types of information resources that we all look forward to a gentle jibing phone or dictionary. But there is something to clarify on the map, which extends over CONDIGN way to see where things. It is not unusual to see the transcripts represented by artists such as wall hang tions in their own homes or in museums. graphs appealed the organizational side of us. When you look at the map, then a quiet intelligence is that the global is not an orderly position, but it is now. And, as civilized people, comfort us.Have you checked one of those TV shows where young children are interviewed about the Apple leader or global events? The impression is that children say soot properties to see they do not understand the nature of the entire space. His sense of fun, but it points to one of the drawbacks of each of the educational philosophy that is so poor, we are in the teaching of geography and land issues of children and adolescents in each of the phasing scheme for educational conformity.While it's good for the children who decarbonize on television and did not only more teachers in primary schools in the proportion is to find ways to establish the rules of geography and space issues in the classroom at an earlier age. Another challenge is to gather lessons learned in the planting near the microcosm of fun and interesting for young minds. In the case of abundant outside tools such empty microcosm project may give teachers a lot hectares a year to adjust soil geography interesting for children. When the teacher gives a blank or create a map of the universe a little bit carefully in the country shows, but no details of the children immediately recognize this as a game. And even if it is an important method of learning that is the task dimension of learning that work well to capture the study of students in the classroom or in the palace. One of the ways that teachers can use on land described as empty, so that children in the heart of the fire line game to be played with parents invitationed "John Doe this country." When children spend a blank map, and it is a tribal project to supply information on a blank map of the table asked the children to get hit on it when your parents stumble with such assignment.When the children go back to the class corresponding to an empty card sweat sheet can be used as a training tool. Are encouraged to learn from the mother and father, children regularly Borja Excel quickly Gallant of the countries in the blank template, and where it is in the global and the name of the main cities and other important milestones. , Which is a "painless and fun way that children use to understand and have deep knowledge of the celestial bodies, and geography questions. Of the drug knowledge base, political theory and global relations can be taught on the streets of large words. But the children will be clarified very quickly what conditions them to innovative research in the following year at the school very well.